I have been waiting for this bands first effort to to come out for a while now. Take half of Type O Negative and some guys from other underground bands(Uranium 235 and Inhuman) and stir thoroughly. Sounds kinda good, right? Well it is. Heaven Is Gone is a damned good disc and in short, Seventh Void are a decent somewhat radio-ready stoner metal band. Not that that is a bad thing, per se, but with Type O being as unique as they are let's just say I was expecting something new to be added. Still though, that is my one and only complaint.
Kenny Hickey (vocals, guitar) and Johnny Kelly (drums) are joined by Matt Brown (Guitar, formerly Uranium 235) and Hank Hell(Bass, formerly Inhuman) have molded a polished, well produced virgin effort. The guitar team of Hickey and Brown is rock solid and sounds almost as if they were made to play off of one another. The groove on the title track is a pure wall of awesome. Hickey is a damned good vocalist as well, reminiscent of Chris Cornell in his heyday with Soundgarden. As a matter of fact, alot of people will draw correlations between Soundgarden and Seventh Void. They do come off as a retro classic rock band melded with the grunge metal attitude of Soundgarden in both vocals and music. Like I said, nothing new but nothing bad either.
Seventh Void is a slow paced monster of a band for sure. Fans of old school metal like Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, Cactus, and Uriah Heep will find a place with this album as will fans of the grunge-era alike. As for the fans of the stoner rock/metal genre, you are right at home here.
Band: Seventh Void
Album: Heaven Is Gone
Genre: Stoner Metal/Retro Grunge/Old School Doom
Country: USA
Rating: 4/5
Rapidshare: Here
By Bez
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