OK, right from the get go I need to make it expressedly clear that I am highly biased
when it comes to Ajattara. Being a fan of Amorphis and Pasi's vocals, I was already on board before I even heard them. So, from their very first album I have been a dedicated fan of their unique sound. With that said, I will now attempt to give a fair and balanced review of the new effort, "Noitumaa".
It seems with this kind of music, black/folk metal, you either have an intense passion for it or against it.There is really no middle ground. Of course, some readers right now are probably formulating an argument against what I just said but for the most part it is true. So when I first got Ajattara's new disc to review it felt as if a war was already waging before it even was put into the cd player.
First of all, this is an acoustic black/folk metal album. Egads and ods bodkins! I know what you are probably thinking and believe me, I felt the same upon hearing that it was as such before getting the disc. But yep, no denying it. It's acoustic..not one single electric instrument throughout the entire album. Instead, they have created some of the darkest sounds ever recorded upon traditional acoustic instruments. The outcome is an extremely dark, tribal like sound that conjures up images of ancient pagan ceremonies to summon up dark ancient gods for nefarious deeds. So, all in all....it is a brilliant piece of progression in the black metal genre.

The instruments are extremely downtuned and this adds to the overall heaviness of the sound. This is a brilliant example of why Ajattara is such a good band. They utilize so many different sounds and efforts on this album to bring forth a true acoustic feel to it wihtout losing the overall intensity. On top of the traditional guitars and bass, they are using a Jew's Harp(mouth harp), pump organ, an accordian, cello and violin, and tribal drums that sound as if they are being beaten upon with bones.
"What about the vocals?", I am sure some of the readers are now wondering. No worries there, they are true to Pasi's black metal style and have not been hindered whatsoever. At times he even presents some darkly beautiful melodies while maintaining his demon spawned growl.

"Noitumaa" is likely one of the most interesting acoustic albums I have ever heard and with good reason. It is very odd and unreasonably charming. The production is spectacular and the performance is top notch. In fact, if you can find an acoustic album out there with greater clarity, I would be surprised. In the sea of acoustic releases over the past decade, it is really nice to encounter such a standout album. It may not be for everyone and some of the fans of this bands heavy albums may actually despise it. Who knows? If you love Black Metal and acoustic performances then you will certainly appreciate and enjoy this release. Personally, I think if you are a fan of black metal and don't love it..there is something wrong with you.
Band: Ajattara
Album: Noitumaa
Label: Ranka Records(Finland)
genre: Black/Folk Metal/Experimental
Rating: 5/5
Rapidshare: Here
Torrent: Here
By Bez
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